All of us are experiencing a tremendous amount of pressure – working from home in new circumstances, experience a sense of grief and coming to grips with rapid change.

We are pouring our energy into work, home, children and responsibilities daily – without the usual social exchange of friends and co-workers or outdoor activities to recharge our emotional needs.

How do we optimise our brain health to perform during this period of rapid change and stressful circumstances?

  • Get enough quality sleep, establish a good sleep routine and practice sound sleeping strategies
  • Ensure that you make time to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day and apply regular movement and stretching while busy with online learning/teaching.
  • Stand up regularly and take deep breaths – this will keep you calm and assist with focus and optimal learning
  • Be constantly aware of your mindset and attitude during this period and do not entertain negative thoughts – rather work on changing your negative thoughts and emotions to positive thoughts and emotions.  You can establish new neural pathways by practising this on a daily basis.  Choose to find purpose and meaning in every situation. Henry Ford said something that is very true:  “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right!”
  • Practice healthy eating habits as far as possible
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
  • Take supplements if possible – multi-vitamins, vitamin C, Omega 3, Iron, Anti-oxidants etc.
  • Increase your brain fitness levels by doing:
    • Cross lateral exercises
    • Mental exercises
  • Learn to laugh again – read funny jokes, laugh at yourself, watch funny videos etc.

In our Webinar (recording below), our Neurolink certified Brainwayz team we touched on the basics when it comes to understanding these drivers.

We also offered 25 free assessments to measure how your brain is performing. We are giving you one last chance to enter here  (winners will be announced on Monday).

Want to know more about our offerings? Please visit or get in touch via